
The Adventures of Simone & Ajax

Created by Andrew Pepoy

A new collection of the wacky adventures of a girl and her dinosaur pal, from Andrew Pepoy, artist on "Fables" and "The Simpsons"

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Important Shipping Info for Simone & Ajax
over 2 years ago – Tue, Oct 04, 2022 at 03:05:53 PM

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The Simone & Ajax book is printed!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Sep 23, 2022 at 06:57:38 PM

At long last the Simone & Ajax book is printed! I got a few advance copies, and it looks great!

I'm so excited that this book that that I worked on for so long and you waited for for so long is a reality. The main shipment was delayed by a Covid outbreak at the printer, but it's still scheduled to arrive later next month. Thank for your patience! It's finally almost here. As soon as I know more I'll post it here.  

Yours in adventure, Andrew

Simone & Ajax Printing Update! Convention Update, too!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Aug 25, 2022 at 04:29:31 PM

Hi, Everyone!

I hope you're all having a great summer! Or winter for you Australian backers! I hope you've all had a chance to download the PDF of the book. Here's the latest on Simone & Ajax: There has been progress on the printing. The book has moved from review to the printer queue! Exactly when it will be printed is still TBD, but, from what I was last told, the hope is that it will make US port by the end of September. There are, unfortunately, still backups at the ports, but I'm hoping that means that I'll have the books heading out to you all by sometime in October. I will, of course, update you as soon as I have solid news. 

But here is a solid bit of news on the book! Though we didn't quite get to the stretch goal of color, custom-designed endpapers, I went and did it anyways. I think it will make for a much nicer looking book, and you've all been so supportive that I wanted to add in something extra to say Thanks!

I recently wrapped up my first four comic-cons of 2022 and had a great time. I really appreciate many of you backers coming by and introducing yourselves. I have another round of four coming up soon:

Cincinnati Comic Expo, September 23-25

New York Comic-Con, October 6-9

Baltimore Comic-Con, October 28-30

Grand Rapids Comic-Con, November 11-13

I'll be set up at all of them with original art and comics by me, as well as prints, and be doing commissions. Please come by and say HI!

Here's a current Kickstarter I had a little do with, the Crimebuster 80th Anniversary Special. I was honored to be asked to ink the cover pencils by the late, great George Tuska on this collection of the golden-age comics crime-fighter. Find out more HERE

Crimebuster 80th Anniversary Special cover by George Tuska and Andrew Pepoy

Lastly, since drawing Simone & Ajax is done (for now, he says foreshadowingly), here's a peek at what I'm working on now: Art, both pencils and inks,on the 2nd half of the Phantastes comics adaptation, from Cave Pictures Publishing, with colors on my half by S&A colorist, Jason Millet. This is the pencils for #4, page 1. You can still pre-order the book HERE.

Phantastes #4, page 1, pencils by Andrew Pepoy

I'll be back with Simone & Ajax news as I have it. In the meantime I'll be working on the backer commissions and gathering more fun stuff for the mystery boxes. Thanks for sticking with me!

Yours in adventure, Andrew

Simone & Ajax Go To San Diego!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Jul 27, 2022 at 02:40:47 PM

Hi, Everyone!

I hope everyone is having a good summer. There's not much new to report on the Simone & Ajax book front. The book is with the printer. With a worldwide paper shortage, shipping issues, and other production delays, it's uncertain just when the book will ship, but it will happen soon. I appreciate your patience and for waiting with me. I'll definitely post an update as soon as I have any solid news. 

This year, for the first time in 12 years, I set up at San Diego Comic-Con this past weekend. In part, it was to promote the new book. It was so great to meet a number of you backers there and to sign up a bunch of new pre-orders from others. I also met a number of you at Heroes Con and FanExpo Chicago. Thanks so much for coming by!

Next up is C2E2 in Chicago, August 5-7. You'll find me at table Y-9. 

After that I'll be at the Cincinnati Comic Expo in late September and both New York Comic-Con and Baltimore Comic-Con in October, followed by the Grand Rapids Comic-Con in  November. 

I'll be back as soon as I have news. In the meantime, I'll also be getting started on all the backer commissions. 

Yours in Adventure, Andrew

Simone & Ajax is off to the printer! Complete PDFs available!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Jul 01, 2022 at 02:44:40 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.